Award Setup Form

New Feature: Award Setup Form added to SPARC award notification emails

iO has the capacity to store information about awards that is not captured in the Cayuse documents, but is significant for reporting and analytics.  Until now, RCA has been collecting this information through informal communications.  In order to streamline the process, we have designed a simple, one-page Adobe Sign form that allows departments and PIs to provide all this data before setup begins.

As of this week, the SPARC award notice email will contain a link to the form in the Comments section (see below).

4. ***NEW*** Please complete the Award Setup form so RCA has the information necessary to create the award in iO.  For best results, log in to your Adobe Sign account before clicking the link.  You only need an Adobe Sign account if you will be initiating these forms. If you do not currently have a Rice Adobe Sign, send a request to  More information about Adobe Sign can be found here:

The Department Administrator, Project Manager, or PI who receives the SPARC notification and has a Rice Adobe Sign account can initiate the form and add others to the routing as needed. There are no required approvals, and the form is configured to include RCA as the final stop.  Please note the brief instructions for how to fill out the workflow at the top of the page.  For more information about Adobe Sign, please visit

Detailed information on how to fill out the form itself can be found in the Award Information Help Document.

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Frequently-used Fund Types and Fund Sources

We’ve had several inquiries lately about what Fund Types and Fund Sources should be used in order to fund projects via Balance Transfer.  Please use the information below for funding Cost-share, Deficit, Salary Cap, and Faculty Fund projects, as well as University Awards.

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Non-Billable projects

We’d like to share some information on the different Non-Billable projects that are available to the departments in iO.  Some of these are created based on information contained in SPARC notices, while others require a help desk ticket to the RCA queue in order to be created.

Advance Spending award

  1. Used when initial agreement has not been received from sponsor
  2. Processed thru SPARC
  3. RCA will create award and associated project
    1. Award and project names will include “Adv Spndg”
    2. Duration will be six months
    3. Project will have external funding source
    4. F&A rate will be MTDC
    5. Budget will be set up for $1
  4. Once agreement is received through SPARC, RCA will update PPM
    1. Award and project names will be changed to reflect sponsor information
    2. Duration will be extended per agreement
    3. Budget will be amended per agreement

Cost Share project

  1. Used when a proposal includes Rice cost-share
  2. Signed cost-share form should be included in SPARC award notification packet
  3. RCA will create a new project while setting up a new award
    1. Project name will include “C/S”
    2. Duration will be the same as award
    3. Project will have Internal funding source (balance transfer required)
    4. F&A rate will be same as signed cost-share form
    5. Budget will be set up for amount on cost-share form
    6. Department will use project number on LD submissions for cost-shared salary
    7. All travel and ODC expenses which are to be cost-shared should be coded to this project

Salary Cap project

  1. Used when a faculty’s salary is above the limit set by NIH or CPRIT
  2. Department will submit help desk ticket (non-billable projects)
  3. RCA will create a new project within the existing award
    1. Project name will include “Salary Cap”
    2. Duration will be the same as award
    3. Project will have Internal funding source (balance transfer required)
    4. F&A rate will be 0%
    5. Budget will be set up for $1 until one is provided by the department
    6. Department will use project number on LD submissions

Pending Amendment project

  1. Used when existing award period is ending, but we are expecting an amendment for more time
  2. Department will submit help desk ticket (non-billable projects)
    1. Department will attach request form found on RCA website
  3. RCA will create a new project within the award
    1. Project name will include “Pending Amd”
    2. Project will begin the day after the award end date, and will have a duration of six months
    3. Project will have same external funding source as Base project
    4. F&A rate will be same as current project(s)
    5. Budget will be set up for $1
    6. Department revise LDs to reflect new project number
    7. All new travel and ODC expenses are coded to the new project
  4. When amendment is received, RCA will process it under this new project
    1. Project name will be changed to “Year 2” or other applicable identifier

Deficit project

  1. Used when project expenses are more than allowed by the sponsor
  2. Department will submit help desk ticket (non-billable projects)
  3. RCA will create a new project within the award
    1. Project name will include “Deficit”
    2. Duration will be the same as award
    3. Project will have Internal funding source (balance transfer required)
    4. F&A rate will be 0%
    5. Budget will be set up for overage amount
    6. RCA will process cost transfer to move direct portion of overage to new project, using expenditure type ODC: Excess Costs
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Update to FBDI folder

In order to make the structure more consistent and easier for users, we’re restructuring some of the sub-folders in Box.

Currently, you see:

We are going to move all of the drop off locations to “drop off here” and all of the processed / in progress files to “processed”.

Within “drop off here” you will now see these choices:

The template for each folder is listed, and all of these are available under templates, which will look like this:

The FBDI box folder will continue to host the Labor Distribution template and instructions and the budget transfer memo job aid, but both of these are submitted through AdobeSign processes and completed templates should not be dropped off in Box.

Please name your general ledger entries with your name and date.  Please name your sponsored project cost transfers using the following naming convention:

These naming conventions will make it easier for RCA to answer questions when people inquire about progress (i.e. “did my entry post?” or “did my cost transfer for project XYZ get processed?”).

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Expense Report Costs Posting to Incorrect GL Strings on a Sponsored Project

Hello, everyone:

We have received several inquiries lately regarding expenses that posted incorrectly to a department’s Central Operating Fund (100.000000) instead of posting to the appropriate Fund Type and Fund Source for a sponsored project (e.g. 104.040000 or 104.047000).

The Fund Source value is derived with a mapping set based on the Award Type for Rice Sponsored Projects.  PPM has a version of the mapping set, and it contains 23 Award Type values.  Payables also has a version of the mapping set, but it only contained 9 Award Type values.  When the system can’t find a match, it maps to an employee’s Default Expense Account.  Typically it would be the Central Operating Fund, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be the case.

The Payables mapping set has been updated and should now include all Award Types for Sponsored Projects.  In order to correct any existing error on your GL, please create an GL entry to credit expenses on the incorrect COA string and debit expenses on correct COA string.

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Cost Transfer Expenditure Type List


When entering expenditure types on a cost transfer, please use an expenditure type that is on this list in box. Please enter exactly as written to ensure prompt, accurate processing.


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Cornucopia of Useful Information


Below are a few things to keep in mind when managing your sponsored projects.

Close Date- iO utilizes the close dates to control spending on projects. The close dates are typically set to 45-60 days after the award ends to allow departments adequate time to post adjustments. Note that the expenditure item date of the expense must be within the project period. Expenses must be posted on or before the close date to report the expense via invoice and/or financial report to your sponsor.

Advance Spending- New advance spending awards will be setup initially in iO as an award, and not a Faculty Fund Project task anymore. Once the award has been executed, RCA will update the award budget and project end dates and allow iO to process invoicing.

Deficit/Overspent Projects- Costs in excess of the award amount will be moved to another project on the award. RCA will create the deficit project and move the expense. Essentially, the excess costs will be accounted for and reported as uncommitted cost share. Funding for these costs are managed the same way as your cost share expenses.

Project Tasks and Subtasks– For sponsored projects, all tasks are “Task 1”. For Faculty Funds, there can be multiple tasks and subtasks. Note: When you add subtasks to a task, it makes the original, primary task nonchargeable. If you have expenses, including labor distributions charging to a primary task, but you created subtasks, that expense will not be processed since the expending must occur at the subtask. A new labor distribution schedule will need to be created and sent to Payroll for processing.

Subaward Requisitions- Beginning in January, subawards requisitions are now split into two lines. One line for the amount up to $25K, and the second line for the amount over $25k. This way, when you do your receiving, you can select the first line on the requisition to be paid first, then the remainder on line 2. This will correct the F&A calculation challenges some departments were having on subawards. Correcting F&A on subawards prior to January require submission of a cost transfer form.

Communication– When contacting RCA via the helpdesk, please include the award/project number and your Org number so we can route the request to your accountant for a prompt reply.


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Updated Expenditure Types

We have made some changes to the Expenditure Type list for use on Sponsored Projects.  Please use this new list going forward.

Expenditure Types 11.01.21

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Awards, Projects, and Tasks (oh, my)

There’s a lot of new terminology that we’re all having to learn with the iO system.  Three of the more important terms are Award, Project, and Task.  Let’s take a quick look at what each one means and what it’s used for.

Sponsored Projects

Award is only used for sponsored projects.

  • Award number for externally-funded sponsored projects start with 1
  • Award number for University-funded sponsored projects start with 9
  • The award contains the demographic information, such as sponsor name, start and end dates, PI, Co-PI, terms & conditions, etc.
  • Each sponsored project gets one award number for the duration of the research being done
  • Expenses do not post to awards

Project is what you should enter when charging to sponsored projects.

  • Project numbers for sponsored projects start with G.
  • There can be multiple projects associated with a single award.

Task is where budget and expenses live.

  • Sponsored projects are not managed by task, thus the task for sponsored projects is always Task 1.

Faculty Funds

Project number for Faculty Funds start with F.

  • In addition to budget and expenses, FF projects contain the demographic information since there is no award associated with them.

Task is where budgets and expenses for faculty funds live.

  • When a FF project is created, it automatically has four tasks, but the departments can set up more as they see fit.
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Advance Spending vs Pre-Award

The topic of Advance Spending versus Pre-Award has come up recently, so we wanted to provide some information to distinguish the two.

Occasionally circumstances arise where you may determine it’s necessary to begin work on your project before the official start date of an award.  There are two mechanisms for allowing costs to be incurred prior to the award start date:

Advance Spending

In cases where an award has not yet been issued by the sponsor, it may be appropriate to request the creation of an Advance Spending award.  This should be done in order to allow work on the project to begin while the award is being negotiated, and in order to mitigate the need for cost transfers.  Advance Spending can also be used for awards that include restricted carry-forward that receive a new PO from the sponsor each year.

To request an Advance Spending award be created, please work with SPARC to process a Pre-Award/Early Setup Request through Cayuse.  When an advanced spending fund is requested, the PI is asked to identify the specific amount of direct and F&A costs needed as well as a rationale for the request. If the award is ultimately not made, is made for a lower amount, or the start date is beyond the 90-day pre-award period for federal pre-award, the responsible Dean’s office will work with the PI’s department and the PI to identify a fund to pay for any unallowable charges.


In cases where an award has already been issued by the sponsor, it may be appropriate to request Pre-Award spending.  Most federal sponsors allow recipients of grants and cooperative agreements issued under Uniform Guidance to incur project costs up to 90 calendar days before the official start date of the award without prior approval.  If your federal award has been received by SPARC and you determine you have allowable and allocable costs incurred within this 90-day period that should be charged to your new award, you may request Pre-Award spending.   For non-federal sponsors, you will need to provide approval for Pre-Award in writing from the sponsor.

To request a change in the award start date to allow Pre-Award expenses, please work with SPARC to process a Pre-Award/Early Setup Request through Cayuse.

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