Award Setup Form

New Feature: Award Setup Form added to SPARC award notification emails

iO has the capacity to store information about awards that is not captured in the Cayuse documents, but is significant for reporting and analytics.  Until now, RCA has been collecting this information through informal communications.  In order to streamline the process, we have designed a simple, one-page Adobe Sign form that allows departments and PIs to provide all this data before setup begins.

As of this week, the SPARC award notice email will contain a link to the form in the Comments section (see below).

4. ***NEW*** Please complete the Award Setup form so RCA has the information necessary to create the award in iO.  For best results, log in to your Adobe Sign account before clicking the link.  You only need an Adobe Sign account if you will be initiating these forms. If you do not currently have a Rice Adobe Sign, send a request to  More information about Adobe Sign can be found here:

The Department Administrator, Project Manager, or PI who receives the SPARC notification and has a Rice Adobe Sign account can initiate the form and add others to the routing as needed. There are no required approvals, and the form is configured to include RCA as the final stop.  Please note the brief instructions for how to fill out the workflow at the top of the page.  For more information about Adobe Sign, please visit

Detailed information on how to fill out the form itself can be found in the Award Information Help Document.

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