Sponsored Projects Expenditure Types

We’ve had several departmental folks reach out to us asking what “account code” to use for their Sponsored Projects expenses in PPM.  I know we’re all used to having to enter an account code number as part of the FOAPAL in Banner.  However, in the iO system, we use expenditure types instead of account codes, and we no longer need to memorize the corresponding numbers.  Yay!

In PPM, Sponsored Projects expenditure types are broken down into 8 expenditure categories:  Salaries & Wages (S&W), Fringe Benefits (FRB), Tuition Remission (TUR), Other Direct Costs (ODC), Travel (TRV), Subawards (SUB), Equipment (EQP), and Facilities & Administrative Cost (F&A).  Each of those expenditure categories has multiple expenditure types associated with it.

So for example, if you want to charge lab supplies to a sponsored project, you would search for “supplies” in the expenditure type field and it will give you a list of all the ones that have the word supplies in them.  Then you just pick the one called ODC: Supplies Laboratory.

Please see the attached list for expenditure types allowed on Sponsored Projects.

ET List: Expenditure Types

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