Farewell to Marissa

Marissa Gonzalez, Research Accountant III, is departing Rice University to work at Stanford University. Marissa’s last day is this Friday, July 30th.

Marissa began working in the Controller’s office, in RCA. in 2017. Since then, Marissa has continued to grow and develop into a very strong sponsored projects accountant. She was often relied upon by the departments and her peers in RCA for her extensive knowledge and experience in sponsored projects. Marissa could always be counted on to complete her work responsibilities without fail. Marissa’s calm demeanor, hard work ethic, and positive attitude will certainly be missed as well.

We are sincerely grateful in Marissa’s dedication and hard work she has given to our office and the University. We wish Marissa good luck in her new role!

About Nick Freyaldenhoven

Assistant Controller, Research and Cost Accounting
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